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BLT Crostini

These BLT crostini are just so good I could eat them all summer long. The combo of candied bacon,  blue cheese, tomato, avocado, balsamic and basil is just a whole lotta of flavor popping.




1 cups fresh basil (packed), plus 1/2 cup chopped for garnish

1 cup blue cheese crumbles

3/4 cup mayonnaise

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

2 cloves garlic, minced plus 1 peeled clove

Sea salt

1 baguette or ciabatta

6 slices of bacon candied

12 grape tomatoes, halved

1 avocado cut into slices

Balsamic glaze your favorite brand


Combine 1 cup basil, blue cheese, lemon juice, garlic, and salt in a food processor, pulse until smooth. Adjust

seasoning if needed. Cook candied bacon until crisp. Allow to cool and cut into approx 2-inch pieces (should

have 24 pieces). 

Pre heat BBQ grill

Slice the baguette into 24 1-inch slices and brush with olive oil on both sides. Grill until the bread is golden

brown, turning once. Remove from the oven and rub one side with the peeled clove of garlic. Set aside. Season

tomato halves with salt and pepper. Spread each bread slice with some of the basil mayonnaise, top

with a slice of bacon and then a grape tomato half & avocado. Sprinkle with chopped basil. Drizzle with

balsamic glaze.

  • Author: Chef Shelly